Knowledge Of Self

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United We Stand

Ten Point Program

1. Black 4 Black is a Black Nationalist, Pan-African Political organization for Independence designed by and for Black people in America and Abroad. Our goal is a well functioning INDEPENDENT Black nation and ONE unified Afrika. We are not a racist organization, we are for freedom for all people HOWEVER we do place TOP priority on the situation that Blacks in America and Africa currently face. We understand that when Black People are free in America, and unified in Africa the world will truly begin to be free and just. We vow to put an end to white supremacy and usher in true independence for Blacks in America and help to bring into fruition One Afrika through media, politics, protest, art, and any other avenues that may be deemed necessary.

2. We demand for the protection of all black women from rape, sexual harassment, unequal opportunities in the work place and ANY where else they may need our assistance. BLACK women are the mothers of civilization and should be respected as such.The conditions of America and the world won't change until the BLACK woman is placed back in her rightful place.

3. We work for all people to have equal opportunities under the law. We know and understand that currently black people are at the bottom of the political totem pole in present day America just as they have been throughout the two plus centuries that America has been in existence. With this understanding we fight for the freedom of our people first. For we know and believe that when original people, starting with blacks in America, are placed in their righteous seat in the universe the world will be taken care of. We can work alongside any group of people on any issues they face. We don’t turn a blind eye to the atrocities others are against, injustice anywhere to any people is something we are against, however we understand that every moment we spend fighting for others is time that can be use to gain our own independence.

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4. We understand that America is a land built For Europeans and their descendants but built ON the backs and taken from Blacks and the so called Native American indians.

We call for the return of ALL stolen land, monuments and artifacts taken from Blacks and the

so called Native American Indians.

When America accounts for her past all people can live in harmony with each other.

We call for reparations to be given to the descendants of the trans-Atlantic slave trade in North America, South America, the Caribbean islands and any other Blacks or people with majority of so called African descent who's ancestors were taken via the transatlantic slave trade. America has paid reparations to other races for her violent past except blacks. This is a direct insult to the Black or AFRIKAN plight in America and abroad. When America makes this right then and only then can she call herself a just nation.

5. We call for the release of all our brothers and sisters found guilty under any unjust laws or punished where blacks are given disproportionate sentences compared to those from other nationalities and ethnic backgrounds. A just nation evenly judges and sentences individuals when convicted of a crime. The American government makes billions off of drugs and drug crimes while the black community deals with the aftermath of the extreme levels of crime, narcotics and high-caliber weapons that are placed in our community for us to use against one another. We call for the appeals of all our brothers and sisters with unfair sentences for nonviolent and violent crimes to be heard and reviewed. For the conditions blacks were placed under here in America have turned us against each other and others, causing a revolving door of confinement, crime and pain to run rampant through our neighborhoods. We demand for all the rights of a citizen taken by the government, when one is convicted of a crime and sent to prison, to be returned to all offenders of the law EXCEPT for RAPE and Child MOLESTATION. We know and bel that when one has served his or her time

6. We call for the Unification of all black African nation’s on the mother continent. When the motherland is righteously unified not only will the black man, woman and child be returned to greatness but the world itself will begin to heal.

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Knowledge Of Self

Serpentine red and black color
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7. We call for religion to either be put on the back burner when we come together or transformed into a means for our liberation.

We call for the re-evaluation of ALL religions that black people are involved in to be transformed into an avenue that will aid in liberating our people. We know that the majority of our people will not leave the religions or schools of thought they are currently in, however a slave making religion will only make us slaves but a religion that tells us to liberate ourselves will be a catalyst to our freedom. We call for black people involved in organized or unorganized religions to view them from the perspective of people belonging to a nation that God is here to help become righteously independent and self-reliant.

8. We encourage all Black people in America to exercise their 2nd amendment rights and arm themselves to protect their people and family from those that may want to do them harm. For years we have fallen victim to white supremacist who hunt and thirst for the Black people's blood. A nation isn't a nation without a military with multiple arms. We call for a unified African military on the continent with members from every black nation.

When we come together as one we can eradicate all problems any people may face world wide.

9. We encourage all black brothers to put an end to the brother on brother violence in our communities. For we cannot fight two wars at once. Let us not kill off our own army while the enemy does the same. Our nation can only survive if we have the proper personnel protecting us. We understand that black on black crime is a consequence of white supremacy via slavery, indoctrination and self hate, however this is no excuse to keep it going when we know better.

10. We promote healthy black families starting with the real holy trinity: Man, Woman and Child. A healthy family is the foundation for a healthy nation.

Peace, Black Nationalism and Free the Land. A nation for blacks in America and One Afrika

Doodle illustration of the Africa continent
Red, black and green colored star shape icons as the colors of the Pan-African flag. For Juneteenth and Black History Month. Flat design illustration.
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“ whatever your philosophy and ideology is of your organization, stay right with your organization, just accept BLACK NATIONALISM as your MAJOR goal and objective.” Khallid Muhammad

“ Black Nation’s don’t have to be on top but they have to be sovereign, they must be masters of themselves they don’t have to be on top of anybody except their own destiny “ John Henrik Clark

“ if you do it you’re called a racist, a separatist, do it anyway, you better do it” John Henrik Clark

“what we wanted for our country — its right to an honorable life, to perfect dignity, to independence with no restrictions” - Patrice Lumumba

“ Black man, Black woman. Remember, you have dominion. Each moment your thoughts, words, and actions either lean towards frustration or build new hopes and visions. Lift up your consciousness. Go on, dream big dreams, develop a plan for your future, and why not, you built the pyramids didn’t you ? “ Susan Taylor

Pan-African proverbs

“ We are going to see that we create our own african personality and identity. We again re-dedicate ourselves to the struggle to emancipate other countries in Africa, for our independence is meaningless unless it is linked up with the total liberation of the African continent “ Kwame Nkrumah

“There is no surer way to learn the ART of revolution then to practice it” Kwame Nkrumah

African Fundamentalism

Marcus Garvey

African Fundamentalism

By The Hon. Marcus Mosiah Garvey

The time has come for the Blackman to forget and cast behind him his hero worship and adoration of other races, and to start out immediately to create and emulate heroes of his own. We must canonize our own martyrs and elevate to positions of fame and honor Black men and women who have made their distinct contributions to our racial history.

Sojourner Truth is worthy of sainthood alongside of Joan of Arc. Crispus Attuck and George William Gordon are entitled to the halo of martyrdom with no less glory than that of the martyrs of any other race. Jacques Deselines’ and Moshesh’s brilliancy as soldiers and statesmen outshone that of a Cromwell, Napoleon, or Washington: hence they are entitled to the highest place as heroes among men.

Africa has produced countless numbers of men and women, in war and in peace, whose lustre and bravery outshines that of any other people. Then why not see good and perfection in ourselves? We must inspire a literature and promulgate a doctrine of our own without any apologies to the powers that be. The right is the Blackman’s and Africa’s. Let contrary sentiments and cross opinions go to the winds. Oppositions to Race Independence is the weapon of the enemy to defeat the hopes of an unfortunate people.

We are entitled to our own opinions and not obligated to or bound by the opinions of others. If others laugh at you return the laughter to them; if they mimic you return the compliment with equal force. They have no more right to dishonor, disrespect or

disregard your feelings and manhood than you have in dealing with them. Honor them when they honor you; disregard them when they vilely treat you. Their arrogance is but skin deep and an assumption that has no foundation in morals or in Law.

They have sprung from the same family tree of obscurity as we have; their history is as rude in its primitiveness as ours, their ancestors ran wild and naked, lived in caves and in branches of trees like monkeys as ours; they made sacrifices, ate the flesh of their own dead and the raw meat of wild beasts for centuries even as they accuse us of doing. Their cannibalism was more prolonged than ours; when we were embracing the Arts and Sciences on the banks of the Nile, their ancestors were still drinking human blood and eating out of the skulls of their conquered dead.

When our civilization had reached the noon-day of progress, they were still running naked and sleeping in holes and caves with rats, bats, and other insects and animals. After we had already unfathomed the mystery of the Stars and reduced the Heavenly Constellations to minute and regular calculus they were still backwoodsmen, living in ignorance and blatant darkness.

Red, black and green colored star shape icons as the colors of the Pan-African flag. For Juneteenth and Black History Month. Flat design illustration.
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Red, black and green colored Pan-African flag. For Juneteenth and Black History Month. Flat design illustration.
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A look at our history of oppression under Islam

Flat Islamic Mosque and Crescent Moon.
Hand With African Flag Morocco
African Pattern Border Seamless. Ethnic Basket Texture Decoration.
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Pan Africanism, Black Nationalism, and Independence are all movements that celebrate the greatness of the black community. As the Messenger Elijah Muhammad so wisely said, history is the key to understanding our past, present, and future. We must carry the Word with us, as Marcus Garvey reminded us, and never lose faith in our greatness. And as Thomas Sankara taught us, we must be trained in political and ideological beliefs to fully realize our potential as soldiers of justice and equality.

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Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) parade in Harlem, 1920. UNIA was a black nationalist fraternal organization led by Marcus Garvey. One car displays a sign reading, 'THE NEW NEGRO HAS NO FEAR'  (BSLOC_2017_20_169)
Stock certificate of Marcus Garvey's Black Star Line, an international shipping company, 1919. After Garvey's Black Star Line suspended operations in 1922, the FBI indicted Garvey for using the mails fraudulently to solicit stock for the steamship line. H
3D Render of an African American mechanic with a wrench and gear
African Pattern Border Seamless. Ethnic Basket Texture Decoration.
Red Lens Flare
Lens Flare Light




Coming Soon

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 Lighting Effects of Flash Purple Shade
Lens flare Red light special effect
Lens flare Red light special effect
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The Good King Justice

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African American pennants flags Kwanzaa Festival
African American pennants flags Kwanzaa Festival
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Angola Flag
US state map. Texas outline symbol. Vector illustration
Pan-African Flag
Raised Protest Fist over Crowd
African seamless pattern. Hand stamp printing. Ethnic folk texture.
African seamless pattern. Hand stamp printing. Ethnic folk texture.
African seamless pattern. Hand stamp printing. Ethnic folk texture.
African seamless pattern. Hand stamp printing. Ethnic folk texture.
African seamless pattern. Hand stamp printing. Ethnic folk texture.
African seamless pattern. Hand stamp printing. Ethnic folk texture.
African seamless pattern. Hand stamp printing. Ethnic folk texture.
African seamless pattern. Hand stamp printing. Ethnic folk texture.
African seamless pattern. Hand stamp printing. Ethnic folk texture.
African seamless pattern. Hand stamp printing. Ethnic folk texture.
African seamless pattern. Hand stamp printing. Ethnic folk texture.
African seamless pattern. Hand stamp printing. Ethnic folk texture.
African seamless pattern. Hand stamp printing. Ethnic folk texture.
African seamless pattern. Hand stamp printing. Ethnic folk texture.
African seamless pattern. Hand stamp printing. Ethnic folk texture.
African seamless pattern. Hand stamp printing. Ethnic folk texture.
African seamless pattern. Hand stamp printing. Ethnic folk texture.
African seamless pattern. Hand stamp printing. Ethnic folk texture.
African seamless pattern. Hand stamp printing. Ethnic folk texture.
African seamless pattern. Hand stamp printing. Ethnic folk texture.
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Angola Flag
US state map. Texas outline symbol. Vector illustration
Pan-African Flag
Raised Protest Fist over Crowd
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Pan-African Flag

The Great Nationalist

